Ranch And Homestead News

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage
Irish Land Evictions
The eviction of Thomas Considine at Moyasta, County Clare. IMAGE: NATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRELAND.


When there was no one left to speak against LC83 they came for you

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage
Forced Displacement after a government land grab in Guatemala
Link to story for captioned photo above

Oregon LC83 is the newest brand of personal liberty theft from Oregon’s Chief Executive Dilatant. Oregon’s history is quite literally written by people who engaged in bloody gun battles to protect their right to live on their own land. Karen, err… Kate Brown knew this in very clear detail when she proposed that perhaps now, we could be forced to live near people we can barely stand. There’s a reason people would openly and aggressively resist LC83.

Rural property owners should pay VERY close attention to LC 83, the latest effort by the Governor to stop rural development. This time, the purported reason is wildfire prevention. The bill directs the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to create a “statewide map of wildfire risk”. DLCD will then develop rules that limit or prohibit all land uses in those areas, and every county will be required to implement these new rules.

The crazy (and intended) part of the bill is that the bill does not define what makes an area subject to wildfire risk. This bill gives that authority to DLCD to make up whatever they want. If their past behavior is any indication, both their maps and their regulations will be overbroad and punitive, meaning there will be thousands of acres across the state that DLCD will label as wildfire risk areas that are really not, and all kinds of land uses that will be restricted or prohibited that don’t have to be.

Remember, DLCD has a 45 year track record of opposing rural development of any kind, commercial, industrial, natural resource or residential. If they can now clamp down even further on rural Oregon and drive everyone into cities under the guise of “wildfire risk management” they will. The legislature should demand that maps be developed and approved before they even start talking about additional restrictions on property owners. Let the science work before the regulation is debated.

Here’s a link to LC 83, which will appear as a Senate Bill in the short session next month:

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage
The Needle Patrol


The reason is quite simple. We don’t like you. We don’t like anything about the lifestyle you lead. We have no interest in even trying. Some of us did. We were exposed to enough of your behavior and ideas that we decided to spend our life’s savings to get the hell away from you. Only a fascist or a fucking moron would think passing a law would erase the fact we can’t fucking stand you on the best days.

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage
The “safe” community they want to force you into

That’s not to say we hate you. We just hate everything about they way you actively choose to behave and exist. You can crowd into boxes like roaches to your heart’s content. We, those of us who live fulfilling lives close to nature, would find such an existence diminishing. The very idea stifles life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I can assure you that forcing me to live next to a person like Karen, er Kate Brown would end in one of us beating the snot out of the other.

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage

LC83 is great if you need to fill up a bunch of jail cells with people who just had their last 10:01 breakfast denial or kombucha offer. (Falling Down) People are already at their limit of being asked to tolerate excuses for lazy. Now you want us to crowd into cities you ACTIVELY REFUSE to clean, protect or improve? All so you can keep ignorantly managing forests under the delusion you know anything at all about nature. Take your Jon Muir wet dreams elsewhere Karen.

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage

Let’s not even try to debate safety in Oregon’s large cities. There is nothing even remotely safe or higenic about a night out in Portland. From un-inspected restaurants with black mold in ice bins, to reporters beaten nearly to death for doing their jobs, to serial murderers walking free because of sanctuary city policies. LC83 would most likely cause the state homacide rate to skyrocket.

Of course the logical end of a forced concentration of ideologically different populations would require a mass disarming to curb violence. History has proven violent crime rises proportionally with a fall in quality of life. Most Oregon cities are already at housing capacity due to height restrictions based on superstition and ignorance. Further concentration populations into an already proven predatory housing market would infinitely escalate until only the top tier of population wealth could afford housing.

LC83 makes no provisions under the law for ensuring an adequate housing supply, stable rents, or public safety management.

Why introduce LC83?

This law was introduced because Oregon’s Governor doesn’t have the leadership or management skills to accept the state is paid for by Timber & Cattle. Intel pays taxes, they’ll shout. Intel pays employee taxes which we ALL pay as employers, and we pay the same amount per employee. It’s the people who ARE NOT paying the $27 alternative tax, that fund this state.

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage
Wildcat Mountain Trailhead gated off

Katie like the sweet little lies about pushing “sustainable” while publicly pushing timber. The trouble is laws like LC83 ensure you the citizen are pushed back behind the gates of your own land so Katie can continue refusing to care for the land she took an oath to protect. Those funny strips of green paper that pay for a funny concept called taxes. That says you can keep your excuses to yourself.

Oregon LC83 Wants To Begin Land Eviction On Passage

Rural Oregonians pay taxes to care for THEIR roads. They could give a fuck that you need to repave a street for the 40th time with the same substandard contractor. Must be nice to even HAVE a paved road. There are homes in Oregon that have been continuously occupied since the 30’s and STILL forced to accept a dirt road for 3 times the taxes of a city lot with full services. That’s some fucking nerve right there.

Now this dizzy broad who can’t get it together enough to run a whorehouse much less a statehouse wants you to live like roaches in cities so she can continue half-assing the job while our forests burn. If it’s too hard for you honey, clearly you’re not qualified for the job. Maybe you can go open a bookstore. Let a genuinely qualified person actually serve people rather than selling state contracts for campaign donations for a delightful change.

The Karen’s pushing this land eviction law will try to baffle you with the usual bullshit. He’s a homophobe for calling the Governor out.

Nope. Gayer than show tunes sweetie and I’m a Gold Star Gay. No part timing it for me.

He doesn’t live in the sticks.

I live less than a mile from forever wild.

He hasn’t got to know us yet.

I lived in Portland when I first moved to Oregon.

I was mugged and had a bottle broken over my head. Three hour wait for police and forced to walk six miles bleeding with a concussion before I found a hospital. Officer actually said “Fags don’t get in my car unless they’re in cuffs” Yeah, real nice place if you like the smell of stale urine, and meth smoke. I literally left with nothing just to get the hell away from that nightmare.

He doesn’t have any real influence….

I stood toe to toe with the biggest Eco-Terrorism bag men in the country and forced them to pay $2,500,000 for a forest fire they set here in Oregon. I exposed that same group for operating a terrorist tactics training camp for children. Something Kate Brown tried to keep quiet. You don’t want to be caught in an active criminal conspiracy supporting the valve turners who set a forest on fire with molotov cocktail training for children. All because they knew courts don’t charge children as adults for acts of environmental terrorism.

After all Katie, you’ve spent huge political capital propping up the valve turners who oppose Jordan Cove. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention it’s THE SAME GROUP! The names of those children are known to me. We were polite enough to not publish their names when they put my life and my husband’s life in danger. We didn’t publish their slurs and hate speech. We took the high road when they took the low road. You need not look further than the governor’s outdoor and recreation committees to find some of their parents though.

We’re polite enough to keep silent about many things. We will not be silent while Oregon LC83 attempts to evict land owners in the name of a long failed social ideology.