
Please consider a donation

Please consider a donation of any amount.


Our computer suffered a failure.  We are asking our readers to consider a donation of any amount.  Our goal is low.  We need to raise just $200.   That is the cost of a decent recertified corporate system.   I’m posting this from our tablet used for field reporting. Old eyes and a 7 inch screen don’t always agree. 😉

We have always been open about adding any kind of sporting content to serve your needs.  We’ve added skateboarding and we’re working on developing a winter sports section.  Without your support, we may not be able to continue at all.  

This Https://Therogueoutdoorsman.com website is a labor of love.   I’m on a limited budget though.  I’m disabled from a sports injury.  The minor ad revenue we receive just covers hosting fees.  I wish real life was like those online videos of “influencers” posing in rented cars.  We bring you honest new and are just as honestly asking for your financial support to keep this growing resource alive.

Please consider helping out with a donation of any amount. 

If just a few of our thousands of monthly readers stepped forward, we could reach our goal.  We’ll be happy to give you a shout out or even an ad space.  Depending on your product we could be a big referrer.

Thanks for reading.   May God bless you all.

David Briggs
