Camping News

Lot Docking Explained

Lot Docking Explained

There has been a recent increase in new RV ownership in the last year. As responsible Journalists, it is important to cover topics that are worth revisiting to reach new generations of RV owners. They may not know the unspoken rules of RV travel. Lot Docking has only recently required a formal definition.

Lot docking is an overnight stop in a parking lot of a commercial business. A number of national businesses allow travelers to lot dock for a night as a courtesy. Casinos are famous for allowing lot docking for patrons. My partner as I frequently make use of lot docking at casinos when traveling. We buy a meal and have a few drinks while trying our luck. It’s best to call ahead. Checking in is usually required.

There are a variety of reasons for choosing lot docking over an RV park when passing through an area. RV parks tend to be on the outskirts and rural areas of communities. Those passing through might just be pulling over to rest for a few hours. The business offering the parking spot generally does this in the name of good will and public service. A small act, but engenders safety and brand loyalty.

What’s the catch?

Many places that allow lot docking don’t ask anything other than checking in. Buying a meal, or purchasing your road snacks goes a long way towards continued good will. As a courtesy, don’t run your generator or put out your slides. It’s not a campsite. Lot docking is just a chance to pull over and rest.

You’re going to find lot docking opportunities right off the expressway near big box stores. A certain blue logo store comes to mind….